Smart Energy and Decarbonisation
Summer School
7-8 June 2022
Smart Energy and Decarbonisation Summer School was successfully held on 7th and 8th June, 2022, and led by Durham University (UDUR). There were 30 early-stage researchers (ESRs) joining the Summer School. Attendees include academic staff, PhD students and industrial experts from both TESTBED2 consortium (e.g., UDUR, Heriot-Watt University (HWU), University of Northumbria at Newcastle (UNN), National Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science Research (CWI), and BEIA Consult International) and other research-intensive Universities, e.g., Universities of Manchester, Warwick, Cardiff, Loughborough, Nottingham, and Tempere (Finland).
This Summer School consists of two days’ activities. The main theme of this Summer School is to fight climate change and to explore innovative ways of electrifying transport working together with ESRs. This includes not only engineering designs, but also social sciences, covering the following presentations and activities:
Using multi-agent systems and AI to model distributed EV charging
Extracting governing equations from data
Segmentation analysis of the electric vehicle charge points in Scotland
CarbonFreePorts: Opportunities, not threats for place-based decarbonisation
2-min presentation competitions from ESRs: new, creative & disruptive techs that may change the landscape of energy system.
Urban observatory guided tour: air pollution and decarbonisation
Electric vehicle workshop.
These presentations and activities, serving as exciting training activities for ESRs, enable that relevant knowledge and skills can be effectively transferred from Estabished Researchers (ERs) to ESRs. The guided tour was around Newcastle city where traffic and air pollution are monitored by thousands of sensors. The tour aims to not only enhance mutual understandings of technical background, but also provide insightful guide to ESRs to know the state-of-the-art research outcomes and how they can be applied in a real city.

Summer School Call for Applications
1 April 2022
To fight climate change, many countries have pledged to realise net-zero or carbon neutrality. Decarbonisation of transport is at the centre of such efforts. There are flourishing research activities in the areas of smart and connected mobility, and electrification of transport.
The Smart Energy and Decarbonisation Summer School will focus on how transport decarbonisation fits into the wider context of evolving energy systems in the UK and worldwide, including power grid decarbonisation, smart and connected mobility, electric vehicle charging, and smart grid technologies.
The call for applications for the Summer School is now open: An Invitation to Apply
How to apply
Complete and submit the online application form: https://forms.gle/TqPhRfQ8WMve8kUu8
Deadline for applications: 30 April 2022
Confirmation of place: 9 May 2022