The University of Durham (UDUR)
The University of Durham (UDUR) is a collegiate research university in Durham, North East England, United Kingdom. It was founded by an Act of Parliament in 1832 and granted a Royal Charter in 1837. It was one of the first universities to open in England for more than 600 years and has a claim towards being the third oldest university in England. The University of Durham is ranked 6th in the U.K. and 74th in the QS World University Rankings (2019).
The University of Durham is a member of the Russell Group of UK universities after previously being a member of the 1994 Group. Durham University is also affiliated with several university groups including the N8 Research Partnership and the Matariki Network of Universities.
University of Tuebingen (EKUT)
With its long tradition since 1477, the University of Tübingen (EKUT) is one of the most respected universities in Germany. Recently, its institutional strategy was successfully selected for funding in the Excellence Initiative sponsored by the German federal and state governments, making Tübingen one of Germany’s eleven universities distinguished with that title of excellence. Computer science in Tübingen is one of the leading CS departments in Germany in terms of research, and it is internationally renowned. The department collaborates with major enterprises and research institutes both nationally and internationally.
Heriot-Watt University (HWU)
Heriot-Watt University (HWU) is located in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. Its history can be tracked to the School of Arts of Edinburgh established in 1821, which is the first mechanics institute in the world. It is the 8th oldest higher education institution in the UK. HWU is one of the UK’s leading universities for business and industry and has a reputation for innovative education, enterprise and leading edge research in science, business, engineering and design. In the Research Excellence Framework (REF) in 2014, the joint submission by Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh in General Engineering is ranked as No. 1 in the UK.
University of Klagenfurt (AAU)
With more than 10.000 students, the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (AAU) is the largest public university in Southern Austria and is organized into four faculties (Humanities, Economics, Interdisciplinary Studies and Technical Sciences). The Faculty of Technical Sciences has developed a significant international visibility in different areas of strength: “Networked and Autonomous Systems”, “Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems”, “Engineering of Software, Data and Knowledge-based Systems” and “Multimedia Systems”. The institute of Embedded and Networked Systems (NES) is engaged in the design, modelling and analysis of future networked and embedded systems and is leading the well renowned research cluster on “self-organising networked systems” and “smart energy grids”.
University of Northumbria at Newcastle (UNN)
The University of Northumbria at Newcastle (UNN) is a research-rich, business-focused, professional university with a global reputation for academic excellence. It is top ten in the UK for the number of graduates entering professional employment and nine out of ten of our graduates are working or studying six months after graduation. UNN has held the European Commission HR Excellence in Research status since 2013.
The University also has substantial experience in international funded research projects, including over 30 projects from the EC programmes FP5 to Horizon 2020, as well as a further 30 projects from other EC funding sources, with a total value of approximately £27M. In the last three years, the University has coordinated or participated in over 20 Horizon 2020/FP7 projects, including 10 Marie Sklodowska Curie actions, and 14 other collaborative research projects.
Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA)
Established in 1967, INRIA is the only French public research body fully dedicated to computational sciences. It is a national operator in research in digital sciences and is a primary contact point for the French Government on digital matters. Under its founding decree as a public science and technology institution, jointly supervised by the French ministries for research and industry, INRIA’s missions are to produce outstanding research in the computing and mathematical fields of digital sciences and to ensure the impact of this research on the economy and society in particular. INRIA covers the entire spectrum of research at the heart of these activity fields and works on digitally-related issues raised by other sciences and by actors in the economy and society at large. Beyond its structures, INRIA’s identity and strength are forged by its ability to develop a culture of scientific innovation, to stimulate creativity in digital research. Throughout its 8 research centres and its 180 project teams, INRIA has a workforce of 3400 scientists with an annual budget of 265 million euros, 29% of which coming from its own resources.
DotX Control Solutions (DotX)
DotX Control Solutions (DotX) develops tailor made solutions to challenging measurement and control problems. The company has developed advanced control solutions for wind turbine manufacturers, power grid system owners, steel producers, and chemical companies.
BEIA Consult International (BEIA)
BEIA Consult International is a R&D performing SME, founded in 1991, and one of the leading providers of ICT solutions and services in Romania for cloud communications and IoT telemetry. The company’s references include over 5,000 turn-key projects for advanced IT and communications solutions. BEIA is certified ISO 9001, 14001, 18001 and 27001. Also, BEIA has experience in coordinating and participating in more than 40 R&D and Innovation projects (FP6, FP7, Structural Funds, H2020, Eureka, Eurostars, COST, ERA-Net, Interreg, LIFE+, Erasmus+, MSCA, EaP Twinning, JTIs, etc.)
DEPsys is a leading Swiss technology company establishing thought leadership in the energy market. It provides evolutive solutions based on GridEye platform enabling traditional power distribution networks to cope with the new constraints of decentralized production from renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaic systems and electromobility technologies. GridEye provides an innovative technology solution for distribution system operators (DSO). Uniquely positioned with its deployment simplicity, it is the only solution that can make a grid smart in ONE day, avoiding all installation hassles with true plug & play functionality. GridEye is deployed and operated by DSOs in eight countries in Europe and Asia.
Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A (OTE)
The Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A. (OTE), member of the Deutsche Telekom (DT) Group of Companies, is the incumbent telecommunications provider in Greece. OTE offers its customers a wide range of technologically advanced services such as high-speed data communications, mobile telephony, internet access, infrastructure provision, multimedia services, leased lines, maritime and satellite communications, telex and directories. OTE’s vision is to rank among the largest telecommunications companies in Europe, and through its international investments (mainly in the area of South-Eastern Europe), now addresses a potential customer base of 60 million people, making OTE the largest telecommunications provider in SE Europe. OTE’s R&D Department is involved in almost all technological and infrastructural issues, and is an active participant in many EU and international collaborative projects. OTE’s current R&D activities include broadband technologies and services, next generation network architectures, infrastructure development etc., following to the actual challenges for the development of a fully competitive network infrastructure & a portfolio of innovative services/facilities.
National Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science Research (CWI)
CWI (part of NWO-I institutes) is the National Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science Research in the Netherlands. CWI has substantial experience with projects in the smart grid space, collaborating closely with all universities in the Netherlands, as well as many companies in the Amsterdam area. CWI intends to exploit the project results through new connections with the academic community and industrial partners in the Netherlands, especially in the areas of AI applications in smart energy and peer-peer energy systems.
Princeton University (PU)
Princeton University (PU) is a private Ivy League research University, and one of the few top American research-led Universities. From 2001 to 2018, PU was ranked either first or second among national universities by U.S. News & World Report, holding the top spot for 16 of those 18 years. It was ranked 5th among world Universities by Shanghai JiaoTong University in 2018. As of October 2018, 65 Nobel laureates, 15 Fields Medalists and 13 Turing Award laureates have been affiliated with Princeton University as alumni, faculty members or researchers.
University of California, Santa Barbara (UC)
University of California, Santa Barbara (UC) is one of America's Public Ivy universities, a designation that recognizes top public research universities in the U.S. The university is a comprehensive doctoral university, and is organized into five colleges and schools offering 87 undergraduate degrees and 55 graduate degrees. UCSB was ranked 30th among "National Universities", fifth among U.S. public universities, and 37th among Best Global Universities by U.S. News & World Report's 2019 rankings. The university was also ranked 48th worldwide for 2016-17 by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, and 45th worldwide by the Academic Ranking of World Universities in 2017.
University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL)
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at University of Nebraska-Lincoln has 50 faculty involved in research related to high-technology computers, telecommunications, electronic materials, nanotechnology, optical systems, communications, biomedical applications, signal processing, microelectronics design, energy systems, and electromagnetics.
Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
As a national scientific research center, CAS focuses on high-tech and cutting-edge R&D in electrical engineering. CAS is engaged in a wide range of research activities aimed at improving the technical level of power generation and electrical equipment manufacturing, and developing emerging high-tech industries. CAS lays emphasis on innovation in electrical engineering and cross-disciplinary work between electrical engineering and other areas.
China Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
China Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), established in 1951, is a multi-disciplinary and comprehensive research institution in China’s electric power sector as well as a subsidiary research institute of the State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC). EPRI is active in a broad variety of research areas relevant to electric science and business, including power generation, transmission, and distribution, power supply and utilization, information and communication technology, etc.
Southeast University (SEU)
Southeast was part of one of the oldest universities and the first coeducational university in China. It is a member of both Project 985 and Project 211, and sponsored by the Ministry of Education of China aiming to become a well-known world-class university. The national mobile communications research laboratory focuses on key technologies of future wireless networking, wireless transmission, new spectrum development and utilization.
Jinan University (JNU)
JNU is a key comprehensive university which is listed in '211 Project' and jointly constructed by Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and Guangdong Province. The team in JNU focuses on intelligent optoelectronic information technologies and information security problems in the sensing layer, transmission layer, network layer and application layer of IoT and smart grid.